• Surviving a war
    Chad, feb 2025

    The war in Sudan sparks a humanitarian catastrophe. Trump's cuts on international aid are threatening the lives of millions of refugees.

  • brick makers
    Chad, feb 2025

    Working like slaves from dawn to dusk Sudanese refugees in Chad are making bricks for a dollar a day.

  • women in exile
    chad, feb 2025

    Fleeing the war in Sudan thousands of women barely survive in the refugee camps on the Chadian border. The burden of a life in exile weighs on their shoulders.

  • Searching mothers
    Sinaloa, Mexico 2024

    Mothers will risk their lives to find their loved ones. Or what is left of them: a skull, a jaw, a tooth, the tiny calcined fragment of a bone.

  • shattered dreams
    Arizona, october 2024

    Trump wants to enforce the biggest deportation in US history. On the Mexican border thousands of migrants risk their lives trying to cross the line.

  • Outpost in the sand
    Djibouti, april 2024

    Djibouti has been transformed into an armed fortress: the only place in the world where the two rival superpowers, China and the US, face each other closely.

  • The ghost of genocide
    Rwanda, March 2024

    The ghost of genocide still haunts Rwandan society. To this day, the hills, fields, swamps and mass graves continue to return hundreds of bodies and bone fragments.

  • Congo wars
    Drc, December 2023

    The conflict in Eastern Congo has escalated. Millions of refugees and displaced people are on the move: some find some relief in Nkamira, a Unhcr camp in Rwanda.

  • Israel at war
    November 2023

    While Israel is relentlessly bombing Gaza killing thousands civilians Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are also targeted: cities and villages are locked, settlers attack Arab shepherds and farmers.

  • Days of rage
    Palestine, October 2023

    The savage Hamas attack in the Negev kibbutzim and the bloody revenge war in Gaza are fueling rage and hatred in Israel and in the occupied territories.

  • Gangland
    Haiti, feb. 2023

    A bloody turf war between armed gangs has plunged Haiti into an abyss of savage violence, anarchy and desperation.

  • The war goes on
    Ukraine, Feb. 2023

    One year after the invasion the fighting is raging mainly in Donbas. But the pain is felt all over the country.

  • a burial
    Kyiv, Feb. 2023

    On February 25th family members and fellow comrades come together to lay to rest 24 years old Ihor Dinkarev, killed on the Kreminna front.

  • Twenty years after
    Iraq, december 2022

    Two decades after the war that smashed Saddam's regime and ruined the country Iraq is still struggling with corruption, armed militias and Isis.

  • The grim legacy of war
    Mosul, december 2022

    The old city of Mosul in ruins. Tons of rubble clog the streets. Christians are gone. And the ghost of the Caliphate is still around.

  • war on the people
    Ukraine, april 2022

    Mass graves, lost souls, broken families, millions displaced: two months of savage warfare have inflicted a terrible toll on the civilian population.

  • on the line of fire
    Ukraine, april 2022

    In Kharkiv firefighters are on the frontline. Rockets and artillery shells pound the city every day and night from nearby Russian positions, destroying buildings, markets, gas and train stations.

  • UkraineRussiaWar
    Kyiv February 2022

    Russian tanks are at the gates of Kyiv shelling civilians and engaging Ukrainian forces in the suburbs. People erecting barricades in the besieged city. Displaced running for their life.

  • Talibanistan
    November 2021

    With the Taliban in power and without foreign aid Afghanistan is facing a catastrophic winter: famine, unemployment and a collapsing health system.

  • Narco wars
    Colombia, april 2021

    The Colombian department of Norte de Santander has a bloody record of mass killings, forced displacement, kidnappings, child recruitment, drug trafficking and warfare between armed groups.

  • Exodus
    Venezuela, March 2021

    Venezuelans are fleeing. Six millions have already left. Two millions have poured into Colombia and they keep coming, braving the harsh pitfalls of the “ruta de los migrantes”.

  • Jihad frontline
    Burkina Faso, dec 2020

    Jihadists affiliated with Islamic State and al-Qaida, criminal gangs and ruthless ethnic militias are waging a campaign of indiscriminate killing against the army and the civilian population.

  • Gold diggers
    Burkina Faso, dec 2020

    In the war ravaged country informal gold digging is the only source of income for tens of thousands of internal refugees and a big business for the armed groups.

  • Xilella
    summer 2020

    Xilella is killing hundreds of thousands of century-old olive trees in Puglia, southern Italy. The parasite is destroying the landscape and the economy of the region.

  • Iran vs Trump
    Tehran, february 2020

    A drone has killed the all powerful general Soleimani. Sanctions are crippling the economy. Trump's strategy blocks the reforms and plays in the hands of the regime's hardliners.

  • Death in the Amazon
    Ecuador, november 2019

    A reckless oil exploitation is poisoning the forest and its people. And while billions of dollars are pumped away, locals are left in poverty and distress.

  • Lost souls
    Mexico, November 2019

    Common graves are surfacing all over the country. At least 26,000 unidentified bodies lie rotting in the morgues. And the case of the 43 Ayotzinapa students is still unresolved.

  • Havana under siege
    Cuba, 2019

    US sanctions are hitting hard the Caribbean island. Crude oil inflow halved to 50,000 barrels a day prompting an energy crisis and food is now rationed.

  • Sinking Jakarta
    Indonesia, April 2019

    Land subsidence induced by groundwater exploitation, scant urban planning and rising sea levels have turned the Indonesian capital into the fastest sinking city on the planet.

  • People’s pouvoir
    Algiers, march 2019

    Algerians from all walks of life take to the streets to reject the old guard's decaying power system and ask for a real democracy.

  • A day in the Casbah
    Algiers, March 2019

    The Algerian capital has grown into a booming three million people megacity, but in the Casbah life hasn’t change much.

  • Running for life
    Honduras, February 2019

    San Pedro Sula is a hellish place. Murderous gangs fight a turf war to control the barrios. The pandillas deal with drugs, extort money and work as sicarios for...

  • Land wars
    South Africa, dec 2018

    In Durban the police is forcing shack dwellers out of occupied lands. A resistance movement is fighting the evictions. Its leader, Sb’u Zikode, went underground after receiving death threats.

  • Dancing in the dark
    Durban, november 2018

    Evicted slum dwellers dance around a campfire to warm up and forget their plight.

  • Mozambique at war
    november 2018

    A shadowy islamist insurgency has unleashed a spate of ruthless assaults in the impoverished province of Cabo Delgado, a faraway place ruled by smugglers, mafia rings and drug barons.

  • Deadly powder
    Afghanistan, May 2018

    Heroin is cheap and the number of addicts is rapidly increasing. Tens of thousands of junkies drag themselves through the streets of Kabul.

  • After the storm
    Puerto Rico, April 2018

    Hurricane Maria struck in September 2017 killing more than 2,000 people. Seven months later the island is still a long way from recovery.

  • Blood on the tracks
    Bangladesh, March 2018

    In Dhaka street children beg for food, 13 years old prostitutes sell sex for half a dollar in the streets and newcomers build dangerous shelters along the tracks.

  • Kamrangirchar
    Bangladesh, March 2018

    In Dhaka’s biggest and polluted slum 3,000 metal, plastic and garment sweatshops provide low wage jobs to legions of workers. Conditions are harsh and child labour is common.

  • Expecting rain
    Bangladesh, March 2018

    In the world’s largest refugee camp one million Rohingyas are bracing for the monsoon season. Aid workers predict devastating floodings, deadly landslides and epidemics.

  • Beach front
    Bangladesh, March 2018

    Fishing is still done the old way in Cox’s Bazar. Boats unload on the beach, nets are repaired on the spot and the fish is dried in the sun,...

  • Books on the brink
    Timbuktu, Mali, Feb 2018

    When in 2012 Timbuktu fell to the jihadists, local librarians devised a risky plan to save hundreds of thousands of ancient desert manuscripts: an epic race that finally succeded.

  • Smoky business
    Casamance, Feb 2018

    Dry fish is a major industry in Senegal’s impoverished region of Casamance. In Kafountine women do the smoky job, while men go out fishing on their long wooden boats.

  • Cambérène
    Dakar, February 2018

    Dakar's popular Cambérène district is torn apart. Bulldozers demolish houses and level the ground to build a coastal freeway to the northern city of Saint-Louis.

  • The old and the new
    Tehran, Iran, Jan 2018

    Street artists and videomakers are marking the growing gap between the young post revolutionary generation and the establishment.

  • Mogadiscio nightmare
    Somalia, November 2017

    After three decades of blood and famines the failed state of Somalia is still a country of warlords, terror and profiteers.

  • coast of fear
    Kenya, november 2017

    Political violence, crime and islamic terrorism have ruined the once thriving tourism industry. Malindi's fishermen go back to their old surviving job.

  • living hell
    South Sudan, june 2017

    The civil war has plunged South Sudan in a hellish spiral of massacres, rapes, cattle raids and ethnic cleansing. In Bentiu refugee camp 130,000 Nuers live in appalling conditions.

  • horn of china
    djibouti, march 2017

    Harbours, airports, railways, banks, military bases: Djibouti has become China's bridgehead for its growing expansion in the Horn of Africa and beyond.

  • Rimbaud’s last lair
    Harar, Ethiopia, Feb 2017

    Little has changed in the old city of Harar where the poet spent his last years. In 1891 he left Harar "on a stretcher covered by a tent" and...

  • Arabian Sarajevo
    Taiz, Yemen, March 2017

    Since 2015 Taiz is besieged by Houthi rebels who pound the city with mortars and Katyushas. It’s a house to house war where snipers shoot anything that moves.

  • Forgotten war
    Yemen, March 2017

    The port city of Aden shows all the scars of the war-ravaged country: crumbling buildings, hunger, displaced people, power blackouts, flying bullets and khat-chewing militias.

  • Stone church of Lalibela
    Ethiopia, February 2017

    I spent a couple of days here on my way to Harar. Low season, no tourists, some pilgrims gathering at dawn for the prayers.

  • Cuba sin Fidel
    Habana, December 2016

    Although he renounced power in 2006 Fidel was still a towering presence in Cuba. And despite his many faults in the economy and politics even critics acknowledge the Revolution’s...

  • Failing state
    Caracas, November 2016

    The oil slump has left a crumbling landscape of empty stores, rising prices, corruption, water rationing, black market’ sharks, rampant crime, angry demonstrations and hospitals desperately short of drugs.

  • bloody paradise
    Acapulco, october 2016

    With homicide rates above 100 per 100,000 people each year Acapulco is now ranked the most violent city in Mexico and among the most violent cities in the world.

  • Kids of the ring
    Caracas, November 2016

    In a run-down building of the Petare rancho a former professional boxer is training young boys and girls. His goal: to take the kids out of the dangerous streets...

  • The Wall
    Tijuana, october 2016

    The 1,954 miles wall built at the Mexican border has never prevented migrants and refugee seeking people to cross into the United States. And it never will.

  • Black hole
    Gambia, June 2016

    Yahya Jammeh, a ruthless dictator who seized power in 1994, rules Gambia with terror, torture and extrajudicial killings, while the former British colony sinks deep into poverty.

    Tanzania, May 2016

    Rangers and village scouts are waging a nasty war against ivory poachers and the powerful mafias behind them: over the past five years 70,000 elephants were slaughtered in Tanzania...

    Tanzania, May 2016

    Masaai herdsmen are growing in numbers: their ever increasing cattle population spoils the ecosystem, encroaches on protected areas and threatens the wildlife’s environment.

    ZANZIBAR, MAY 2016

    When the boats come in you have to rush: the fish is cheaper if you buy it on board. The price climbs as the catch hits the shore, and...

    ZANZIBAR, MAY 2016

    The epidemic started last September and is by far the most persistent to date on the island. It spread from contaminated waters in the poor districts of Zanzibar Town,...

    ZANZIBAR, MAY 2016

    The central market is the city’s economic dynamo and the heart of the island’ social life. Everything is on sale: spices, fish, meat, fruits, vegetables and smuggled goods.

  • Collateral damage
    Syria, February 2016

    Millions lost their homes in war torn Syria over the past five years. Those who can't make it to Europe are forced to squat in dilapidated buildings, refugee camps...

  • Fallujah frontline
    Iraq, February 2016

    While the Iraqi army has melted away after the Mosul defeat, Baghdad’s defense is now entrusted to the shia pro-Iranian militias manning the frontlines outside the capital and around...

  • Mosul frontline
    Kurdistan, February 2016

    Italian troops will protect the technicians who are going to repair the badly damaged Mosul dam which lies close to the the boundary of the Islamic state. Kurdish peshmergas...

  • Mercado central
    Mexico, November 2015

    In Mexico City’s central market, one of the biggest in the world, you can find all you need: from rattle snakes to a killer on hire.

  • Killing fields
    Salvador, November 2015

    MS13 and Barrio 18 gangs, the army and the police are on a killing spree and murder rates have soared to levels not seen since the civil war of...

  • State of murder
    Mexico, November 2015

    Impunuty is the rule in the boundless slums of Mexico City where millions live in poverty and fear, drug lords make the law and feminicides are on the rise.

  • Los topos del Bordo
    Mexico, November 2015

    Day and night "los topos", scavengers from the nearby slums, make their living digging at El Bordo, the largest of Mexico City's landfills and one of the biggest in...

  • Burning faith
    Kurdistan, October 2015

    Slaughtered by the thousands and forced to flee their villages destroyed by the Islamic State, the Yazidis still worship their ancient gods in the Lalish holy shrine, northern Kurdistan.

  • Lost in Juarez
    Mexico, April 2015

    Migrants from Central America and the poorest Mexican states keep pouring into Ciudad Juarez hoping to cross the US border. They are trafficked by gangs and narcos who extort...

  • Facing Boko Haram
    Cameroon, March 2015

    As tens of thousands of refugees flee to the Minawao camp in northern Cameroon a coalition of african armies finally strikes at Boko Haram's strongholds in Nigeria.

  • Back to Suez
    Egypt, February 2015

    To boost the ailing economy general al-Sisi thinks big with a pharaonic project on the Suez canal. But he must face the growing islamist threat both in Lybia and...

  • Yazidi pogrom
    Kurdistan, november 2014

    Slaughtered and chased from their villages by the Caliphate’s butchers a centuries-old religious community is on the brink of extinction.

  • Fight for survival
    Kurdistan, november 2014

    Whilst the war drags on hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria and Iraq face a harsh winter in the camps and shelters of Kurdistan.

    Kurdistan, November 2014

    Christians in Iraq and Syria are fleeing the Islamic Caliphate and vow they’ll never return. Is it the end of Christianity in the Middle East?

  • Sailing up north
    Svalbards, Summer 2014

    Thanks to the Gulf stream part of the Svalbards is navigable in summer. The research center in Ny-Alesund, an old mining and whaling station 600 nm from the Pole,...

  • Ghost Town
    Homs, Syria, June 2014

    The worst battle of the Syrian war has left the city of Homs in ruins: mosques, churches, shops, schools, banks and houses are empty shells riddled with rockets and...

  • Sex slaves
    Cambodia, May 2014

    Child trafficking, prostitution and sex tourism are a thriving business in Cambodia: extreme poverty is pushing parents to sell their kids to the brothels. And Hiv rate is rising.

  • Tuol Sleng
    Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2014

    Unspeakable horror still lingers in the blood-soaked torture chambers of Khmer Rouges' infamous Tuol Sleng detention-extermination center in Phnom Penh.

  • Angkor Temples
    Cambodia, May 2014

    Released from the jungle and years of war the ancient Khmer capital is coming back to life.

  • Ethnic cleansing
    Bangui, CAR, March 2014

    A methodical ethnic and religious cleansing is under way. Muslims are hunted down by christian militias and are forced to flee. Refugees flood the camps and corpses pile up...

  • Anti balaka militiamen
    Bangui, CAR, March 2014

    Laden with machetes and amulets, the christian militias are taking a bloody revenge on the muslim population.

  • Lost soldiers of Berengo
    CAR, March 2014

    Cut off by the war some 200 forgotten recruits survive in the decaying Bokassa palace, eating rats and training with fake weapons.

  • Oubangui fishermen
    Bangui, March 2014

    Life on the river seems to unfold peacefully despite the killings. Fishermen cast their nets but the catch is meager: not enough to sell on the market.

  • Maidan square 2
    Kiev, February 2014

    In a stunning 24 hours push the insurgents jump the barricades, storm the parliament, chase the president and draw Europe and Ukraine into a risky confrontation with Moscow.

  • Maidan square
    Kiev, February 2014

    In a stunning 24 hours push the insurgents jump the barricades, storm the parliament, chase the president and draw Europe and Ukraine into a risky confrontation with Moscow.

  • Poorest country
    Niger, January 2014

    Rich in uranium and oil yet pitifully poor, drought-stricken Niger is facing the threat of islamist terror, refugees' influx and border warfare.

  • The last sea gypsies
    Myanmar, December 2013

    Commercial fishing, illegal logging, economic and anthropic pressure are quickly destroying the identity of the Moken, the last nomads of the Andaman sea.

  • Monks
    Myanmar, December 2013

    A common sight everywhere in Myanmar, monks are a crucial component of the social fabric: highly respected, and resolutely nationalistic, they play a major role in the political arena....

  • Asia new frontier
    Myanmar, December 2013

    Amid social and ethnic unrest Myanmar is undergoing sweeping political and economic changes: after decades of isolation the country is opening to the outside world.

  • Baba Amr
    Homs, September 2013

    Among the ruins and the flattened buildings of what was once a thriving district of the city some people are slowly coming back, squatting bombed houses and trying to...

  • Life and death
    Damascus, Sept. 2013

    Families mourn the dead, children play football in the mosque, mortars pound the city and the fighting rages in the suburbs: street by street, house by house, under the...

  • Displaced
    Damascus, Sept. 2013

    Thousands of displaced civilians flee the war zones and seek shelter in the capital. Christians are leaving their villages and gather in the churches to pray.

  • Another Carbomb
    Damascus, 24 Sept. 2013

    It went off with a huge blast at 2 pm on Tuesday in a narrow street of Tadamun. I was just 400 ft away, rushed there and counted three...

  • Churches on fire
    Cairo, August 2013

    In the hours of the military crackdown in Cairo on Wednesday, August 14th, churches and coptic schools and institutions were attacked and set on fire all over Egypt.

  • Survivors
    Jos, Nigeria, May 2013

    Religion has become a weapon in northern Nigeria: churches and mosques are burned, villages are razed, people are slaughtered. The survivors must cope with death, destruction, physical pain and...

  • In a coltan mine
    Jos, Nigeria, May 2013

    The oil bounty doesn't bring wealth to the people in Jos. Illegal miners risk their lives digging for coltan in an abandoned former British tin open pit.

  • African mass
    Jos, Nigeria, May 2013

    In war-torn Jos hundreds attend the Sunday mass celebrated by the catholic archibishop, Ignatious Kaigama, at the Our Lady of Fatima cathedral.

  • Blacks only
    Cape Flats, May 2013

    Black townships can be harsh, dangerous and unforgiving. People rely on strong community links, solidarity, faith and self-defense.

  • Squatters
    Philippi township
    May 2013

    Job seekers from the Eastern Cape squat in the slum's outskirts. Shacks torn down by the police in the morning are put together again at dusk.

  • Shebeen
    Cape Flats, May 2013

    Here is where you can find beers, drugs, friends, music and a pool table if you got money in the black townships.

  • Odwa
    Cape Flats, May 2013

    A day in the life of hip hop musician Odwa from his shack in the Philippi black township to a live performance at a local shebeen.

  • Waves
    Cape Town, May 2013

  • Shores
    Cape Town, May 2013

  • Cape fishermen
    Cape Town, May 2013

    Clamming on beaches and fishing offshore are valued jobs for the people of the townships. The Cape cold waters are rich in tunas, snoeks and rock lobsters.

  • Coast to coast
    Usa, April 2013

    Visual notes from Big Sur to Boston bombings and Jack's lonely grave.

  • Dandora dumpsite
    Nairobi, January 2013

    Scavengers from nearby Korogocho and Kariobangi slums make their living scouting the biggest dump in Kenya.

  • Slum Life
    Nairobi, January 2013

    Half of Nairobi’s 5 million inhabitants lives in the estimated 200 sprawling slums surrounding the capital.

  • Unmerciful land
    East Congo, February 2013

    Pro-Rwanda rebels are still positioned around Goma. Young men flee to the refugee camps to avoid forced recruitment and some attempt suicide. Health posts in the countryside have little...

  • Esther’s wedding
    East Congo, February 2013

    She was raped and beaten by her man, banished with two children from the village. But she fought back and was able to find a new husband.

  • Gold rush
    East Congo, February 2013

    Digging for alluvional gold in the sands of the Shari river, Ituri province, is keeping alive the people of nearby Iga village.

  • The Ituri Road
    East Congo, February 2013

    Run down clinics, abandoned villages, flooded tracks and displaced people are the legacy of the bloodiest African war.

  • Struggle for life
    East Congo, February 2013

    In a war-torn and desease-stricken province on the high plateau of Eastern Congo health centers and field hospitals are overwhelmed.

  • A mobile clinic
    East Congo, February 2013

    MSF's doctors and nurses attend the patients inside a church in Katale village. Then the team heads back to the Masisi HQ under heavy rains.

  • Hell’s doors
    Haiti, November 2012

    Every Thursday Father Rick goes to the central morgue in Port au Prince and loads two trucks with dead bodies no one else is willing to bury.

  • Cité soleil
    Port au Prince
    Haiti, November 2012

    Billions have been spent after the 2010 earthquake but life in the poorest and most violent slum of the capital has barely improved.

  • Cholera outbreak
    Port au Prince
    Haiti, November 2012

    Spread by Hurricane Sandy’s torrential rains the already endemic desease has surged in the crowded filthy slums of the island.

  • After the flood
    Cap Haitien
    November 2012

    It took just a few hours for the storm to sweep away the match box houses built in the riverbed and kill twenty five people.

    Haiti, November 2012

    The crumbling public health system cannot cope with the influx of patients. From cholera to car accidents Msf doctors face a never ending challenge.

  • No man’s land
    Fortaleza, Brazil, November 2012

    Capoeira is not for everyone: at night child prostitutes, homeless and crack smokers gather at the “boca de fumo” behind the Cathedral looking for drugs,
    or anything else.

  • The saint is coming
    Pantelleria, October 2012

    Every year in October the people of the tiny volcanic island of Pantelleria worship their saint. They carry St. Fortunato on their shoulders and offer flowers to the god...

  • Tunisia unrest
    September 21, 2012

    Anti-Western sentiment has been stoked further by caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published in the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

  • Sailing to the Orkneys
    August 2012

    Sailing at 60° Lat. North between the Atlantic and the North Sea to the Orkneys: harsh weather, huge tides, heavy winds, strong currents, a few sunny days and beautiful...

  • The military hospital
    Damascus, June 2012

    Every morning there are funerals at the Tishreen Military Hospital. Caskets are wrapped in the Syrian flag and honored in the yard. Relatives come to mourn and recognize the...

  • Christians in fear
    Syria, June 2012

    Now that the war is turning into a sectarian conflict the Syrian christian community feels threatened. Many christians have abandoned their homes and start leaving the country.

  • A city at war
    Damascus, June 2012

    It looks like Baghdad before Saddam’s fall: car bombs and gunfire in the night. But still many people carry on with their lives, go to the Friday prayer and...

  • Fallujah’s toxic legacy
    Iraq, May 2012

    The Iraqi city of Fallujah continues to suffer the ghastly consequences of a US military onslaught in late 2004.

  • Baghdad Olympic Dreams
    Iraq, May 2012

    On to London: Dana Hussein Abdul Razzaq and a handful of Iraqi young athletes overcame huge obstacles to fulfill their olympic dreams.

  • The Misteries in Trapani
    Sicily, Good Friday 2012

    The centuries-old Good Friday's ritual is unfolding in Trapani: the whole city is behind the hand held holy via crucis images slowly moving from street to street.

  • Across the border
    Syria-Turkey, March 2012

    The war in Syria is spilling over the border into Southern Turkey where 20,000 refugees live in camps behind barbed wires. Wounded fighters arrive daily in the hospitals.

  • One year after
    Tunis, January 14, 2012

    Tunisians mark the first anniversary of the revolution. Ordinary people, activists, bloggers celebrate in the streets. No politicians in sight. Angry salafists call the jihad.
    iPhone shots.

  • Tharir people
    Cairo, December 6, 2011

    Egyptians still come to the square: to pray, to protest, to discuss. They vow to stay until the revolution is accomplished. But nobody really knows when and how.

  • Copts in Cairo
    December 5, 2011

    Egyptian Copts feel threatened by the Islamic parties' victory in the polls and the unexpected surge of the salafists.

  • Occupy Wall Street, NYC, October 2011

    While the movement goes global protests spread from New York to dozens US cities. Politicians in Washington, looming next year presidential elections, start to pay attention.

  • Misurata, Libya
    August 2011

    Su un lungo muro dipinto di bianco, i thowar hanno scritto centinaia di nomi: i caduti della “città degli eroi”.

  • The Fall of Tripoli, Libya, August 2011

    Bab al-Aziziya brucia. Lo sterminato compound nel centro di Tripoli dove per mesi si è nascosto Gheddafi è in fiamme.

  • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, April 2011

    Colonia Mexico 68, un agglomerato di baracche attraversato dalla ferrovia. José Emilio Martínez García aveva vent’anni. Sapeva che lo stavano cercando.

  • Libyan uprising, March 2011

    Sul tetto sventola il tricolore monarchico, la bandiera della rivolta. Il ballatoio all’ultimo piano è una foresta di cavi, antenne paraboliche e telefoni satellitari.

  • Cairo Garbage City, February 2011

    It looks grim but it's a real business: hundreds of Zabbaleen, the Coptic population of a Cairo's district, collect, comb, split up and resell almost all the garbage found...

  • Cairo days, February 2011

    Ogni rivoluzione ha i suoi simboli. Quella tunisina ha avuto il corpo in fiamme di Mohammed Bouazizi, il fruttivendolo ambulante che il 17 dicembre si è dato fuoco nel...

  • Days of rage, Cairo, Egypt, February 2011

    La rivolta che sta scuotendo l’Egitto e l’intero mondo arabo ha il volto tumefatto di Khaled Said, 28 anni, picchiato a morte dai sicari del rais in un internet...

  • Atlantic fishery, Tan Tan Plage, Morocco, December 2010

    Under the blue sky fishermen mend their nets, while seagulls scream and dive to catch their share.

  • Sudan files – Kala Azar outbreak, Malakal, December 2010

    La leishmaniosi viscerale è una malattia trasmessa da un moscerino della sabbia. Se non è curata è fatale in quasi il 100 per cento dei casi.

  • Sudan files – The Mission, Nzara, December 2010

    Gli orrori di una guerra insensata lampeggiano nello sguardo di Giovanna Calabria, superiora della missione comboniana di Nzara.

  • Sudan files – TB in Malakal, December 2010

    Molti hanno la tubercolosi, la polmonite, l’aids o la malaria. E tutti sono denutriti.

  • Sudan files – Gino Strada, Emergency Surgical Hospital, Khartoum, December 2010

    Open heart surgery on a 13 years old boy performed by Gino Strada at the Emergency Hospital.

  • Sudan files – Dump site, Juba, December 2010

    The garbage we throw is life for them.

  • Sudan files – Along the Nile, December 2010

    Il mitico fiume serpeggia luccicando sotto il cielo terso, di un celeste diafano e lattiginoso; si perde nelle immense distese verde smeraldo delle paludi del Sudd.

  • Sudan files – Aids in Nzara, December 2010

    All’ospedale della diocesi lottano somministrano farmaci antiretrovirali a più di duemila donne: l’aids è un flagello tra le ragazze violentate dai ribelli.

  • Sudan files – Going home, Malakal, December 2010

    Migliaia di sfollati rientrati dal Nord sono ammassati nei campi di raccolta in attesa di un mezzo per tornare ai loro villaggi di origine.

  • Sudan files – Arrow Boys, December 2010

    I Boys sono sempre all’erta. Escono ogni giorno in pattuglia, a piedi, in moto o in bicicletta, a caccia del nemico invisibile.

  • Sudan files – The Cross and the Coran, December 2010

    Croce e Mezzaluna sono diventate i simboli di un’appartenenza nazionale e il comodo pretesto per rinfocolare le questioni irrisolte.

  • People of Sindh, Pakistan, November 2010

    Shot during the floods.

  • Time to pray, Pakistan, November 2010

    The mosque is a quiet place to rest, think, forget.

  • Water is life, Sindh, Pakistan, November 2010

    In the flooded region water is scarce: people rely on aid to obtain some water and survive.

  • Down in the flood, Sindh, Pakistan, November 2010

    Il grande lago Manchar è straripato. I villaggi e i casolari risparmiati dall’alluvione sono isole sull’infinita distesa azzurra che gli uomini attraversano a nuoto o in piroga.

  • A walk in Beijing, China, October 2010

    La Cina paradiso della manodopera a basso costo si avvia al tramonto. Migliaia di aziende straniere dovranno rifare i conti, adattando le proprie strategie al nuovo corso.

  • Tattoos, Beijing, October 2010

    At an annual gathering in Beijing people get crazy to be scarred by tattoo masters.

  • Kyte surf, Sicily, July 2010

    Gone with the wind.

  • Salt mines, Trapani, Sicily, July 2010

    Nice view, great landscapes. But the job is terribly hard and the workers are paid in black.

  • Sicily, 2010

    Shot during my holidays.

  • Child labour, Jaipur, India, April 2010

    Sold by their parents in Bihar they end up in small sweatshops in Jaipur: their little fingers are well apt to embroider the sarees for the rich and the...

  • The bird market, Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2010

    A stroll in the bird market is a Friday afternoon break.

  • Kabul new prison, Afghanistan. April 2010

    Dai racconti dei prigionieri emerge una realtà agghiacciante, specchio di una società arcaica che non sembra aver fatto alcun progresso nella sfera dei diritti civili.

  • Helmand refugees in Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2010

    They live in a camp outside Kabul but during the season they go back to Helmand and harvest opium.

  • Buzkashi, Afghanistan, April 2010

    The Afghan national sport: horses, sheep, blood and sweat. In short: a fight with no guns.

  • Bodybuilding in Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2010

    They gather at dusk in small gyms around Kabul and exercise for hours. To be strong and fit is a must for Afghan boys.

  • Alberto Cairo, Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2010

    Il dottor Schweitzer italiano arriva ogni giorno nel suo ospedale di Kabul prima dell’alba. Indossa il camice bianco, controlla la posta elettronica, legge i referti degli amputati.

  • Nomadi in concert, Novellara, Italy, February 2010

    Good music. And good vibes.

  • Osama Bodyguard
    Sanaa, Yemen, January 2010

    Il suo nome di battaglia era Abu Jandal: lo sterminatore. Dal 1996 al 2000, è stato la guardia del corpo personale di Osama bin Laden.

  • The Timkat, Massawa, Erythrea, January 2010

    The ancient ritual of Timkat draws crowds of people in the churches and streets of the city.

  • Somali refugees, Yemen, January 2010

    I rifugiati somali ammassati nei campi yemeniti a ovest di Aden rischiano di cadere nella rete dei reclutatori di al-Qaeda.

  • Sanaa, Yemen, January 2010

    Nella remota provincia di Ibb, nello Yemen centrale, l’ospedale battista di Jibla accoglie ogni anno più di 40 mila malati e presta cure gratuite agli indigenti.

  • Qat eaters, Sanaa, Yemen, January 2010

    They eat the leaves all days and nights: tons of qat are traded in the Sanaa bazaar. It's legal, so what?

  • Fishermen, Yemen, January 2010

    Boats discharging at the Aden fish market.

  • Asmara, Erythrea, January 2010

    Nell’ex “colonia primogenita” l’indelebile impronta del passato, di cui gli eritrei vanno fieri, concorre ad accrescere il senso di smarrimento.

  • Massawa, Erythrea, Jan-Feb 2010

    The old Italian-Turkish city, the people and the president turned dictator.

  • Buenos Aires, December 2009

    The city is back to life, at least for the rich, after the economy's downturn.

  • Ciudad de Guatemala, November 2009

    Ciudad de Guatemala sembra Baghdad. Diplomatici, ricchi impresarios e boss del narcotraffico vivono asserragliati nei compound della Zona 14, la “zona verde” della città.

  • Street kids, Ciudad de Guatemala, November 2009

    Si stanno svegliando. Escono dai loro bozzoli di stracci e di coperte sbrindellate, si siedono sull’orlo dei materassi di gommapiuma rosicchiati dai topi.

  • Huaqueros, Ciudad de Guatemala, November 2009

    A valle del relleno sgorgano le nauseabonde gore del Rio de Aguas Negras, riserva di caccia dei più miserabili huaqueros clandestini.

  • Emerald Mines of Panjshir, Afghanistan, October 2009

    Il campo dei minatori consiste in una mezza dozzina di tende e di rifugi di pietra coperti da teli di plastica. Nella parete a strapiombo si aprono le gallerie.

  • Return to Afghanistan, October 2009

    In Afghanistan il rispetto dei diritti umani è un concetto sconosciuto. Un rapporto del Dipartimento di Stato elenca la lunga serie dei reati impuniti.

  • Kabul Emergency OT, October 8th, 2009

    Per una decina di minuti Marco continuò a lavorare: sembrava non volesse arrendersi. Poi incrociò lo sguardo dell’aiuto chirurgo afghano.

  • Migrants, Malta, May 2009

    Il “Blocco C” del campo, riservato ai clandestini più irrequieti, è una gabbia circondata da inferriate alte più di cinque metri, reticolati e matasse di filo spinato.

  • Kolkata, India, April 2009

    A day in the life of the Bengali capital.

  • Red Light Districts, Kolkata, India, April 2009

    Sonagachi, a Calcutta, è uno dei più grandi quartieri del sesso dell’Asia: 10 mila prostitute provenienti dal Nepal, dal Bangladesh, dal Bihar e dal Bengala.

  • Karachi Madrasas, Pakistan, March 2009

    Il Pakistan è la retrovia di al-Qaeda. Dai loro santuari al confine afghano i terroristi sono in grado di colpire i centri nevralgici della sesta nazione più popolosa del...

  • Gaddani Shipyard, Pakistan, March 2009

    L’arenile di Gaddani, sulla costa del Baluchistan, è lungo 10 chilometri. Ci vanno a morire navi d’ogni genere: cargo, porta container, vecchie petroliere.

  • Cockfight, Karachi, Pakistan, March 2009

    The only way to earn a living, for some.

  • e-Waste, Karachi, Pakistan, March 2009

    A Sher Shah sono decine di migliaia gli addetti al riciclaggio, in gran parte bambini e adolescenti che non si sono mai seduti in un banco di scuola.

  • Fishermen Village – Rarhi, Pakistan, March 2009

    Due to the floods, pollution and the climate change life has become a nightmare for the people of the village: the fish is rapidly vanishing.

  • Sikkim-Darjeeling, India, March 2009

    A sud del fiume Rangit la strada s’inerpica tra le piantagioni di tè fino a Darjiling, l’ormai decadente stazione di villeggiatura dei coloni britannici del Raj.

  • Sex Workers, Forbesganj, India, March 2009

    Le più giovani sono in attesa di un compratore che le porti a Calcutta o a Mumbai. La polizia lascia fare e lucra sul business. Le ragazze sono macchine...

  • Bricks – Bihar, India, March 2009

    Making bricks is a heavy job in India: miserable pay, harsh living conditions, health hazards. It's a slave job. And most of the workers are girls and boys under...

  • Happy Hour, Baghdad, February 2009

    Trying to live up in times of war.

  • Major General Ray Odierno, Baghdad, February 2009

    E’ un duro il generale Odierno. Un militare tutto d’un pezzo. Che però si addolcisce e ha un moto di paterno orgoglio quando parla di Tony, suo figlio.

  • Georgia at War, December 2008

    Sui tetti delle case bombardate sono in agguato i cecchini. E una muraglia di sacchi di sabbia e di blocchi di cemento sbarra il passaggio.

  • Ethiopia Hunger, Oromiya, October 2008

    Fa paura il viso di Kamar. Ha solo due anni ma ha le rughe di un vecchio, il ventre gonfio, la pelle cascante e i capelli scoloriti. Non piange,...

  • Life and Death in the Rafah Tunnels, Gaza, October 2008

    Uno degli scavatori mi fa segno di seguirlo nel budello sotterraneo: un metro per 70 centimetri e un chilometro carponi per raggiungere l'Egitto.

  • House in the Graveyard, Gaza, October 2008

    Sessanta cacciabombardieri F-16 hanno investito la Striscia di Gaza colpendo caserme della polizia, ministeri, basi militari. Ma anche quartieri civili e campi profughi.

  • Fajigole, Ethiopia, October 2008

    It is known as "the green hunger": people die but there is plenty of water in the country.

  • Gold Mine, Rosia Montana, Romania, June 2008

    Del Casinò edificato al tempo di una passata corsa all’oro non resta che la facciata dilapidata con una data, 1854, e due nomi ungheresi: Gyorgy Korny e Anna Neimer.

  • Offshore, Congo, May 2008

    Ci vuole fegato per sopportare condizioni di vita così estreme. Ci vogliono forza d’animo e spirito di adattamento per resistere su un traliccio ai confini del mondo.

  • President Sassou Ngouesso, Pointe Noire, Congo, May 2008

    The Big Man comes to a ceremony hosted by the Italian oil company Eni.

  • Iranians, April 2008

    La rivoluzione khomeinista ha rivoluzionato anche la moda religiosa. E il guru del nuovo stile clericale è un mite e sorridente artigiano di 77 anni, Abolfazl Arabpour.

  • Dubai Docks, April 2008

    Chilometri di merci accatastate lungo il Creek sono in attesa di essere stivate nei dhow, i tradizionali sambuchi arabi che si preparano a salpare per l’Iran.

  • Iranians at Polls, March 2008

    Sotto l’opprimente cappa delle censure e delle interdizioni imposte dai mullah, Teheran vibra di fermenti culturali e sociali come poche altre città mediorientali ed europee.

  • Palestine, January 2008

    La vita di Maria Amin, 6 anni, è appesa al respiratore agganciato alla sedia a rotelle con cui si sposta nel reparto di riabilitazione dell’ospedale Alyn di Gerusalemme.

  • A Day in Haiti, January 2008

    Il pick up di padre Rick affonda nel fango delle pozzanghere di Cité Soleil, sterminato formicaio di baracche di lamiera cresciute su un letto di immondizia e di fogne...

  • Swat Valley, Jammu and Pindi, Pakistan, October 2007

    Il primo tentativo era fallito. Le cariche esplosive avevano frantumato la roccia senza scalfire l’imponente rilievo del Buddha.

  • Delta Force, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, June 2007

    La barca punta dritta nella muraglia verde della foresta e scivola in un canale d’acqua ferma che serpeggia nel labirinto di liane e di mangrovie.

  • The Cross and the Crescent, Nigeria, June 2007

    Nella guerra per la conquista dell’anima africana la Nigeria, 140 milioni di abitanti che professano le due religioni, è in prima linea.

  • Afghanistan, March 2007

    Un mese fa Daniele mi aveva aspettato sul tetto di un hotel di Mogadiscio. “Sempre nelle più fetide sentine del mondo” scherzava. Questa volta all’appuntamento non sono arrivato.

  • Galizia, Spain, January 2007

    Era il 19 novembre 2002. Dopo una settimana di agonia nell’oceano in tempesta la petroliera greca “Prestige” affondava spezzandosi in due tronconi.

  • Mogadishu, Somalia, January 2007

    Coprifuoco, stato di emergenza, legge marziale. Le drastiche misure adottate dal governo di transizione insediato dai carri armati di Addis Abeba non sono di buon auspicio.

  • Qurna, Egypt, December 2006

    Quando arrivano le ruspe la casa di Abdul Hof è una carcassa spolpata. La sua famiglia è al lavoro dall’alba per svuotare i locali e recuperare i materiali utili.

  • Beirut, Lebanon, August 2006

    Lo sceicco Hassan Nasrallah riceve al quarto piano di una palazzina circondata da miliziani armati e da barricate di filo spinato in un quartiere sciita della periferia sud di...

  • South Lebanon, August 2006

    La strada che da Marjayoun sale a El-Khiam, verso le montagne della Siria, è sventrata dai crateri delle bombe. E il villaggio è un cumulo di rovine.

  • Miners, Lubumbashi, DRC, June 2006

    Dall’alba al tramonto quattromila disperati scavano a mani nude nel fango color ocra della miniera di Ruashi, nella remota provincia congolese del Katanga.

  • Steet Children, Kinshasa, DRC, June 2006

    La notte è delle streghe. Un’orda di trentamila “enfants sorciers” si aggira famelica nell’informe reticolo degli slum e dei fetidi rioni della Cité.

  • Niger Delta, Nigeria, March 2006

    Di notte la città piomba nel buio. Le uniche luci nell’immensa distesa del delta del Niger sono i bagliori rossastri delle fiaccole del gas nelle paludi di mangrovie.

  • Junkies in Tehran, Iran, December 2005

    Sono più di diecimila i poliziotti e i soldati che presidiano i confini con il Pakistan e l’Afghanistan. E sono più di 3.500 i caduti nella guerra contro i...

  • Kurdistan, October 2005

    Il check point sbarra la strada pochi chilometri a nord di Kirkuk ed è chiaro che non si tratta di uno dei tanti posti di blocco della polizia irachena.

  • Diamonds, Kimberley, South Africa, September 2005

    E’ come il cratere spalancato da un gigantesco meteorite, con le pareti rocciose che strapiombano nel lago della falda acquifera, di un verde intenso.

  • Iraq, 2003-2005

    Le sirene dell’allarme aereo hanno ululato alle 5,34 di giovedì 20 marzo, ora di Baghdad. I traccianti della contraerea sono partiti a raffica dalle postazioni irachene.

  • Dr. Chiara Castellani, Kimbau, DRC, July 2005

    L’unica strada del Congo è lo specchio del paese che attraversa: distrutta dall’incuria e dalle piogge, divorata dalla foresta, devastata dalle guerre.

  • Nyagwete, Kenya, June 2005

    Motom Delfino, 160 di cilindrata, velocità di punta cento all’ora. Non era il massimo neppure nel 1959, ma era abbastanza comoda per i lunghi viaggi.

  • North Korea, May 2005

    The ancient Ilyushin of the state owned airline Air Koryo, which flies twice weekly from Beijing to the North Korean capital, is a time machine.

  • Pope John Paul II Death, Jerusalem, April 2005

    First reactions at the news in the Holy City.

  • Gaza, April 2005

    Puntuale, ogni mattina l’infermiere specializzato Naser Afifi accompagna i figli a scuola e si presenta al lavoro: ha in gestione il pronto soccorso dell’aeroporto di Gaza.

  • Arafat’s Burial, Palestine, November 2004

    Il 30 ottobre il vertice dell’Olp si è riunito, per la prima volta in quarant’anni, intorno alla sedia vuota del leader che incarna la storia, l’identità e le aspirazioni...

  • Burundi, Uganda, Congo Zaire – 2004

    It's mostly cholera, garbage, depleted hospitals and guns.

  • Darfur, Ciad, March 2004

    Il minareto si erge come una solitaria sentinella su un paesaggio di morte e distruzione. Gli elicotteri e gli Antonov hanno risparmiato solo la moschea del villaggio di...

  • Nepal’s Maoists, 2002

    Il nemico invisibile colpisce di notte. Poi svanisce nell’impenetrabile territorio montuoso che da Livang sale fino alle vette dell’Himalaya.

  • Afghanistan, 2001-2004

    La colonna avanza in fila indiana rasentando i muri di fango del villaggio fantasma di Rabat. Sono le 10 del mattino di lunedì 12 novembre.
